Hungry bridge

Ok, I admit it - I have a thing for bridges.  I guess I never really recognized this before, but once I took up HDR photography I have really gotten into them.  Here in Austin we are fortunate that a river runs through town, so there are several bridges along the way to capture.  They are not all beautiful, or spectacular, but some of them do offer some interesting shapes to photograph.  This is the Lamar Street bridge, shot from the north side of the lake.  To me, it looks like the bridge has its mouth open and is ready to eat something - hence the title.  

This was a 3 exposure HDR (0, -1, -2) shot at f/13 during the mid-morning sun.  It was a beautiful morning and the sky was fairly bright, but more importantly the water was very calm which allowed me to get such a nice reflection.  That is one of the great things about HDR - the detail gets accentuated, even in reflections.  It really brings a photo to life.


A time to reflect


Austin winter night