Chasing a sunset

Like many photographers, I start to get twitchy around dusk.  I am looking towards the sky, checking out the clouds, and trying to decide if the sunset is something I want to go capture.  It usually is and this day was no exception, and so I headed out.  We had heard there was a field full of sunflowers north of Questa, NM so we went in that direction looking for them.  We drove and drove, and almost made it to the Colorado border, but never once saw a field of sunflowers.  Eventually, darkness was approaching and the sun was getting closer to completing its nightly task.  I had seen this cool old gate made of machine parts earlier, and as we were heading back saw it again.  I had to check it out, plus I was worried that I wouldn't get any shots after all that driving.  I ended up choosing this spot to capture the sunset, and felt the fence and gate made a nice frame for the view.


The majestic fountain at UT


Tribal Elder