Arches and angles

Last week I went on a photowalk with my buddy Pete Talke, who runs the popular travel photo blog  We met at the University of Texas campus here in Austin.  He had never shot there and it seemed like a good place to start.  Well, it was awesome.  We had a great time, were able to get a bunch of great shots, and even snuck into the football stadium for a while, until the police found us and escorted us out.  I'll share some shots from that little adventure later.  The main building on campus, which has a massive tower rising above it, is a popular spot for photographs.  Although I took a shot or two of the tower, I was more interested in exploring some of the fine architectural details of the building.  This was shot at the front entrance.  I went to college here, but did not remember how beautiful it is.  I was really awed by this covered area, with the arches, textures and wooden ceiling.  I only wish for two things: that all the lights were on that day, and that I had known about this sooner!

This is a 6 exposure HDR, taken at -3, -2, -1, 0, +1, and +2.  They were combined in Photomatix and then adjusted in PSE (curves) and a slight "pop" added in Topaz Adjust (which is a cool product I might add!).  Hope you like it!!


Fading light


A time to reflect