Along the river's silent edge

We arrived at Guadalupe River State Park about mid-morning and quickly discovered that we were the only ones there.  It is a beautiful area and one of the things I like best about the river is the clarity of the water.  It really is clear and allows you to see so much detail.  The park itself is actually not really big, or at least the part by the river isn't, but the stretch of river, with the rocky outcroppings and the barren trees of mid-winter make for a really beautiful scene, in my opinion.

This is a 6 exposure HDR shot at f/22 with exposures ranging from -4 to +1.  The RAW files were merged in Photomatix to create the HDR, which was then adjusted in PSE (Curves, Contrast, Unsharp Mask) and a final touch in Topaz Adjust.


Quietly making noise


Curves of a bridge