Echoes of running water

I just love the sound of running water, don't you?  I assume everyone does.  It has a calming effect I guess, and in this hectic world everyone needs that.  In this case, I heard that peaceful sound as well as a slight echo as the sound waves bounced around the underside of this stone bridge.  It's pretty cool.  I came across this bridge while on a photowalk around the University of Texas campus, and being a bridge guy I immediately climbed down to the side of the stream and started finding my way across rocks that happened to be in all the right places.  They were a little slippery but at least this time I had on the right kind of shoes.  I took a bunch of shots here, from all sorts of angles, and was happy to spend quite a while there.  

This is a 6 exposure HDR, taken at f/22, with exposures from +2 to -3.  They were blended into an HDR in Photomatix, then adjusted in PSE (Curves, Contrast, Unsharp Mask) and a final touch in Topaz Adjust.  I am starting to use Topaz Adjust quite a bit, and really like the product.  It has all kinds of interesting settings that you can use to adjust your photos, though some are a bit over the top for me.  If you want to read more about it, you can see my review of it here.   


Night in the city


Quietly making noise