La Jolla mist

Ok, so technically this is not mist.  I was in La Jolla, CA (which totally rocks by the way!) and found myself at La Jolla Cove around sunset.  Obviously this was not an accident - I wanted to get some sunset shots in the area.  Who doesn’t, really?  It is such a beautiful area.  Anyways, I did reel off tons of photos there, from seascapes to sea lions and back again.  It was fairly dark and I was getting my gear together and about ready to leave, so I climbed back up to ground level and started for the car.  I happened to look back and saw this rock formation, where I had been standing for nearly an hour, from a different perspective.  In this case I went for a single long exposure, 14 seconds to be precise, and all the crashing waves just disappear into a fine mist...


The porch at The Lilly House


An exquisite entrance