Entry to Lambert's

I went on a photowalk (Flickrwalk?) this past weekend with some local photographers that I know via Flickr.  They are all great guys and have some wonderful photos that you should check out.

They are:  atmx, Michael Tuuk, tx_shooter and tradewinds.  Click through to see their work.

We walked around the downtown Austin area, starting at City Hall and sort of meandering aimlessly, which is a good thing in my opinion.  I really enjoy getting out and shooting with friends, old and new.  This is the entry door to Lambert's which is a restaurant situated in a historic old building downtown.  It appears as though the city has grown up around it, and it has never budged, sort of like the North-Going and South-Going Zax in that story by Dr. Seuss.  Anyways, we had a great time and good a lot of great pictures.  One funny thing is that at one point we were standing around, all with cameras on tripods, waiting because we heard the distant wail of a fire engine - and who doesn't want to photograph a fire engine?  Anyways, we were outside a restaurant and people would come up and ask us if we were paparazzi.  I guess we looked the part...

This is a 4 exposure HDR, taken at f/14.  The exposures range from -3 to 0.  I created the HDR in Photomatix and then made adjustments in PSE (Curves, Contrast, Unsharp Mask) with a final little flourish in Topaz Adjust.


Suddenly beautiful


The oaks can't help their feelings