Back of the barn
This beautiful red barn sits in the Zilker Botanical Gardens in Austin. I believe it has some historical significance, but I sure don't know what it is. I was walking around the grounds there and snapping off a few shots, which is always fun. I came across this quite by accident but was glad to find it. I took a few shots of the barn from different angles, but thinking back on it, I can come up with about 10 new shots of the barn that I should have done. Is anyone else like that? I get on a scene and come up with a few shots, but when I think back on it later I always have more ideas. I wonder why I don't think of them all while I am there? Anyways, I liked this perspective and I like the rusty old abandoned stuff in the grass.
This is a 7 exposure HDR taken at f/11. The exposures range from +2 to -4 and were merged into an HDR in Photomatix, then I made some minor adjustments in PSE (Curves, Contrast, Unsharp Mask) and some minor color fixes in Aperture.