A different sort of fishing

We used to put on waders and spend quite a bit of time in this river, wading and fishing - hoping for that elusive trout to decide he was hungry (though he usually wasn't!).  This time though, I got the waders out and went fishing for interesting pictures instead of trout.  I frequently try to look at things from a different perspective, raising and lowering the tripod, or shifting left and right, trying things out.  It's fun to me.  In this case, the interesting perspective came from being in the water, not next to it.  I stayed in the river and walked under the bridge.  I am a fan of taking pictures of bridges, and frequently try to get under them because I like how they look.  This was not some big fancy city bridge - just a simple wooden bridge with a quiet, cool river running underneath it. 

This was a 3 exposure HDR taken at f/22, with exposures of -2, 0 and +2.  I merged them into an HDR in Photomatix and made some adjustments in PSE around Contrast with a little final touch up in Aperture.


Sleepy bear

