Hamilton Pool
I really like Hamilton Pool. It was my first visit and I hope to return again in the spring. It is about a 40 minute drive from Austin, so it is an easy day trip from this area. The waterfall is gorgeous and the entire scene is just beautiful too. There is a little trail that runs around the back of the falls, which you can sort of see in this photo, as well as a trail that follows the creek downstream to where it meets the Pedernales River. This was taken a couple of weeks back, and unfortunately the sky that morning was pretty blah, which you can plainly see here. Imagine a beautiful sky or a sunset - whoa! I will have to arrange a better sky next time!
This is a 5 exposure HDR taken at f/18, with exposures from -3 to +1. They were merged into an HDR in Photomatix and then I made some adjustments in PSE around Curves, Contrast and Unsharp Mask. Final step was a little pizazz from Topaz Adjust, which is just an awesome piece of software.