Ok, that title is a little tongue-in-cheek but I thought it fit.  This was taken at Laguna Beach, down in Orange County, CA.  It was around sunset, which is my favorite time of day to shoot, and the skies had some nice clouds after the rains had passed.  I am not a beach person per se, but I do love the look of rocky beaches and find them very interesting and beautiful.  If you are ever in the area, I recommend that you stop and take a look around this place, it is gorgeous!

This is a 7 exposure HDR taken at f/13, with exposures ranging from -4 to +2.  They were merged into an HDR in Photomatix, and then I made my typical adjustments in PSE around Curves and Contrast.  The final step was to run it through Topaz Adjust to give it a little pop.  Hope you like it!


Winter grass


Rainbow lorikeet