Austin city view

Two images today (well, technically it is one but it is two versions!) - and I need your help.  Please read below...

Austin is a great town and I consider myself lucky to be able to live here.  Though it continues to grow and prosper, it seems the city is doing all it can to manage that growth appropriately and keep the infrastructure up with the size of the place.  With all the new residents comes new construction, and our skyline has changed and grown considerably over the last few years, with more underway.  I like the skyline and find it pleasing to look at, though I am probably biased.  Clearly it is not a NYC or Chicago skyline, with all the skyscrapers rising high, but we have a few and they seem to fit in well.  I think it is a nice looking skyline.  What's your opinion?

Speaking of opinions, I need some input.  I generally consider myself a "color guy", and though I appreciate the beauty of a lot of black & white photos, I only use that technique sparingly.  In this case, though I did like the color version, I thought I would give it a whirl in B&W too.  I actually like both and when I decided to post this photo, I couldn't really decide which I liked here are both.  Hey, it's my photo blog, so I can do what I want to, right?  Anyways, I would like your input.  Which do you like better and why?

They are the exact same photo, except that I converted one to B&W.  Both are 6 exposure HDR shots taken at f/22, with exposures ranging from +2 to -3.  ISO is 100.  I merged them into an HDR in Photomatix and then made my typical adjustments in PSE and some minor tweaking in Aperture.

Thanks for stopping by, and thanks in advance for letting me know your thoughts!


Snoqualmie Falls


A beautiful entryway