Llano River bridge

This is the Roy Inks Bridge spanning the Llano River in the small Texas hill country town of Llano.  It was constructed in the 1930's after the original structure there was swept away in a big flood.  I had spent the morning chasing shots of spring wildflowers in the area, and around noon we headed through Llano to grab a bite to eat.  We found a place on the square and loaded up on a bunch of fried stuff.  It was great. Afterwards, we crossed this bridge and my partner in crime that day knew there was a place where we could get a good view, so we headed over there.  There is a nice little waterfall there, though I didn't include it in this shot as it is off to the right from this spot, and it apparently is a popular spot because when we arrived there was another photographer there taking some portraits of someone by the falls.  Anyways, we walked around a bit while I sized up my shot, then I took care of business and we moved on...because there were more wildflowers to shoot!

This is a 6 exposure HDR taken at f/22, with exposures from+2 to -3.  I merged them into an HDR in Photomatix and then made some minor adjustments in PSE and Aperture.


Wine barrels


Blue Hour in San Francisco