The Golden Gate Bridge
When in San Francisco, it is hard to not want to photograph the Golden Gate Bridge. It's such a lovely structure. I had most of an entire day, and purposefully planned my route so that I would wind up here at the end of the day. I was hoping for sunset, but by the time I arrived here at Ft. Point it was still a pretty good ways until sunset. So, I will have to get the sunset at the bridge another time. I also would like to capture this scene at night time - I imagine the bridge looks pretty sweet all lit up. Ft. Point is definitely a great place to take shots of the bridge from, since you get a nice angle, a clear view, and some cool rusty chains to boot!
This is a 6 exposure HDR taken at f/14 and merged in Photomatix. Some additional tweaking was done in PSE and Aperture. I have a bunch of pictures from this area and I will sprinkle them in here and there. Hope yo like it and if you ever get to San Fran be sure and grab the camera and head to Ft. Point!