A summer night

Last weekend I took off for a little while to shoot some around sunset, but didn’t really know where I was going to go.  I ended up driving up to Georgetown, which is a nice little town north of Austin.  I cruised around, looking for something to catch my eye.  I spent some time meandering around the campus of Southwestern University, taking some shots here and there.  Eventually I ended up driving out to Lake Georgetown.  I had never been out here before, but knew about it and found it using the GPS feature on my iPhone.  Boy does that feature come in handy sometimes!  Anyways, I saw a sign that said something like “scenic overlook” (I always try to follow those signs!) so I turned, parked, and started hiking around.  This photo is the first one I took, and literally this view of the sunset was the first thing I saw there.  Timing was really on my side since I caught the last rays of sun just before it dipped below the horizon.

This is a 6 exposure HDR taken at f/14, with exposures ranging from +2 to -3.  they were merged into an HDR in Photomatix and then I made some adjustments in PSE and Aperture.


Bay Bridge bokeh


A blue hour moment in Kansas City