Neon explosion

I spent a little time in Dallas this week, and got out with the camera for a bit too.  It rained on me a lot on the way up there, and I thought for sure I would get stuck in my room, watching the rain fall, but the storm broke for a while and I hit the streets.  I did get rained on some, but it was on and off and my trusty Nikon stayed mostly dry.  This shot is a closeup of some fountains that I found downtown around the JFK Memorial area - sort of near the West End part of town.  I was just playing around and took 4 exposures at f/5.6, thinking I might try an HDR.  The challenge was that the lights were changing more quickly that I was shooting, and the water was moving up and down very rapidly, so my 4 shots were all different colors - purple, blue, pink and orange - and the water was different heights in each too.  I went ahead and merged them into an HDR for the heck of it, and this is what it looks like.  Kinda fun, and definitely colorful! I like the abstract look to it. Look for some cool HDRs coming next week from this little trip.


A passage at the Mission


Bay Bridge bokeh