A foggy blue hour at the Bay Bridge

During my recent trip to San Francisco, I had a little free time one night to get some shots.  Having gone on a “camera only” walk earlier that evening, I was itching to get out the tripod and shoot some HDR’s.  The challenge was that there was a fairly thick fog hanging around, which can be interesting, but can also be a bit distracting (i.e I find it hard to get a clean image).  This one is not entirely clean, but I like it nonetheless and am happy with how it turned out.  I always stay at the Harbor Court Hotel, which is right next to the Bay Bridge - which is convenient - and I love the structure anyways, so despite already having several shots of the Bay Bridge in HDR, I figured I might as well get it in an HDR fog!  I found these old pilings and thought they made an interesting foreground element, and the lights on the bridge and from Oakland in the distance made for nice lighting overall.  There was also some light coming from behind me which gave a nice glow to the pilings.  If you get to San Fran, be sure and get some shots of this wonderful bridge!  It gets overlooked due to the presence of another famous bridge there, but this one is a beauty my friends!


Corpus Christi marina


Corpus Christi bay