Back streets and alleyways

It is fun walking around back streets and alleyways, especially in a new place.  In this case, I was wandering around Dallas one evening.  Fortunately there had been a rain storm earlier that afternoon which left everything slightly wet and marginally cooler.  As much fun as it is to shoot “the big things” in new places, to me it is equally enjoyable poking around with the camera, looking for things that get little attention.  Sometimes these “random” images give me a better sense of place than the “big images”.  It is true that you never know what you will encounter, even if you have shot in the same place before.  I have re-shot many places in Austin, only to be surprised how different they appear, and how my approach to a subject has changed the second time around.  As I walked past this alley, I caught sight of that large tower in the distance and thought it could be an interesting shot, especially with the water flowing...


Corpus Christi sunset


Sunrise in Civic Center Park