The quiet whispers of nature

I was out shooting one morning with my friend Pete Talke (see his awesome work at and en route stopped at this wonderful little spot to catch the sunrise over the Pedernales River, which winds its way through part of the central Texas hill country.  Sunrise is a favorite of mine for shooting, with the soft light and all that, plus I find it fun to be out in the middle of things when the world around me just seems to be waking up.  It’s almost like everything is new and I am there seeing it for the first time, before anyone else gets to see it.  Maybe that sounds corny, but standing in the middle of nature with no intrusions from the outside world is blissful, just pure awesomeness.  The only noises are those quiet whispers of nature, the river currents passing by, and the soft clicking of a Nikon.


KC bokeh


Denver's Union Station