Texas Capitol rotunda

Every photographer in Austin has probably taken 100 shots of the Texas Capitol - and here's another one!  It is a lovely structure with so many interesting elements at play.  Physically it is daunting but inside and underground you can find a whole lot to satisfy your photographic cravings.  I had a little time on Saturday to get out and shoot, and though I have taken many shots here before, I opted to return and take a few more. This is the open-air rotunda, which is part of the extension that was added a few years back.   At this spot you are standing about 2 stories "underground" though with the open top you are technically outdoors.  It is a beautiful part of a lovely structure, and I enjoy the repetitive pattern of the columns plus the rain we got Saturday (yeah!) leaving those interesting spots and glossy shine all along the granite. 


Denver Cathedral


The Austonian