Twilight in Nashville

I hope you didn't see the word Twilight in the title and come here looking for vampire stories.  Nope, I will stick with photography!  Despite how prevalent the word twilight is these days, it seems under-used as far as photography goes.  But it's a great word.  I think of it as that time after the sun sets, but before it becomes completely dark.  And somewhere in there is blue hour...which usually isn't an hour, sadly.

Anyways, it was twilight in Nashville and I was out shooting, enjoying the remains of the day (another literary reference - look out!) and the fading light.  I was walking the grounds at Centennial Park and shooting the Parthenon, which you can see here.  I made my way around the lake as the light and clouds got into just the right positions,

By the way, I have a crazy work week with some travel too, but the Nikon stays home this time.  Yes, I cried when I realized that.  :)  There's always my iPhone though!!  So, I will catch up with everyone as soon as I can!  Hope you have a great week!  I have some more awesome shots coming so come back now, ya hear?  


A corner in Chinatown


Over the rooftops of San Francisco