At the bottom of Market Street

Take a minute to read below - it's been a heck of a great week for me photographically speaking!!  

Ok, back to San Francisco for a minute or two.  It's just such a great town to shoot, with fabulous spots at every turn!  Add to that the fact that I was there with my new gear and it all adds up to lots of San Fran shots on deck - hope you don't mind!  I took this HDR of Market Street early in the morning, before the crowds all wake up and take over.  (It's my favorite time of day.  Caffeine is your friend.)  If you are not familiar with the town, this street dead-ends into the Ferry Building, which is my favorite building in San Fran and is right behind me in this photo.

Having said that, I also have a ton of stuff to process from the last week of shooting.  I was out last Saturday in Austin with the Austin gang (Dave WilsonAlex Suarez, and more!) and a Colorado visitor Justin Balog - cool dude and a great photog too!  We shot the Capitol and spots nearby.  Then, we all met up again at Trey Ratcliff's big Christmas light photowalk in Austin, where I saw more locals like Pete Talke, Lotus Carroll and others.  Then, on Monday morning this week I took off for OKC and am now sitting in Nashville, where I shot today with Malcolm MacGregor.  Whew!  I am tired just trying to type it all.  It was a week full of photographic awesomeness, and it ain't over yet!!  It all adds up to something like 2000 new photos, so I need to get home so I can process some stuff.  Look for some more wicked cool photo work coming here daily (well, almost daily).  :)

As a teaser/preview of coming attractions, here are a couple of iPhone shots from this week in Nashville and OKC.  I love my iPhone so much that I started an iPhone gallery here on the site a while back, and thought I would let you all know about it.  Just look on the top menu bar under iPhoneography, or click on this link: to go straight to the gallery and check them out!

Here is an iPhone sunrise at Radnor Lake just outside of Nashville, taken this morning:

And here's a lighthouse I came across in OKC just yesterday.  Who knew they had a lighthouse??!!  (Who knew they had a lake?  Ok, that may be a bit offsides, sorry.)  Not bad for my iPhone, huh?!


While you were sleeping


Hollow hallways