The entry to the Carmel Mission

I just love photos of doorways and entrances.  They are so inviting to me.  I have been taking shots of them for years, and have quite a few from my time in Carmel recently.  In other words, I hope you like them too since I have a lot to share!  They often don’t have the dramatic impact of a sweeping landscape, but to me they leave much to the imagination and can be quite interesting, especially when there is some history associated with the structure.

I caught this one at the Carmel Mission, which is a great place to visit.  I enjoy photographing churches and missions, and this one has been on my list for a long time.  

It is a working church and school, and has the added benefit of having been around since the 1700’s.  It is beautiful.  We were on our last day in Carmel, and I was just itching to shoot here, so my wife let me slip away for about an hour.  It was not too crowded, which is nice of course, and I ran around like a crazy man taking shots left and right.  Hopefully next time I am there I can make a proper visit and spend a little longer soaking up the history.  But nonetheless, I walked away with many shots that I am happy with, which was the main goal anyways.  I’ll save the history lesson for next time!


Impressions of China Cove


The Lone Cypress and The 17 Mile Drive