Plaza Mayor's painted facade

Two Photos Today!  London tomorrow!  See below...

Plaza Mayor in Madrid was the subject of my photo yesterday, although I only showed a small fraction of it - and really, there is not a good way to show the whole thing in a single photo anyways because it is so large.  So, if you keep coming back, you will get additional views as I get through all my shots from there, which number into the hundreds.  Today, you get two photos!  The central building at the heart of Plaza Mayor has these wonderful painted frescoes across their facade - and I found them to be very interesting and fun to photograph.  Initially I was just going to post the close up of the painted frescoes (which you see above), but realized it does not really give you any context to see that photo by itself.  So, here is a quick snap I took from across the plaza which hopefully gives a better idea of what the first photograph looks like from a distance.


I have now posted 3 in a row from Madrid, so I will take a break and next...

Tomorrow - my first photo from London!

As you may have seen me mention here previously, I also made a short visit to London last week and had a little time to snap some pictures after work one day.  So, tomorrow I will post my first London image.  I think you will recognize it immediately!  Come back and let me know what you think about it!


A guard at Buckingham Palace


Dining in Plaza Mayor