A Parisian scene at EPCOT

Wow, I had an amazing photowalk in London last night!!  I will write it up later when I have more time, but we saw an incredible sunset with awesome clouds just behind Big Ben & Parliament, a tunnel full of graffiti, famous bridges with my name on them, the London Eye, St. Paul's Cathedral, and even a fox running through the streets.  No, that is not a typo.  A real fox walked in front of us.  In London.  Surreal.  Special thanks to my new friends Mike Murphy and John Esslinger for being such wonderful hosts!

EPCOT is one of those places where you just really can't put down your camera, because it seems at every turn there is something interesting to shoot.  As an example, I was walking across the bridge that leads from the UK to France (funny how close that is!) and happened to look over the bridge railing.  I saw this scene, set up to look like some Frenchman had a little spot next to the Seine.  Click.


Going nowhere


Defense de Stationner