The Tower Bridge, smokin'

Sorry for the post and run today - and I will not be online much for the next few days - but we are having a little family getaway to the Texas coast.  You know, it’s not hot enough here so we need to go sit in the sun for a few days and really sweat!  I’ll catch up next week!

This was a single exposure of the Tower Bridge in London that I took while waiting for the sunset and blue hour to arrive.  I must have stood in the same spot, or within 100 feet of it, for several hours just waiting on the light to change.  I guess we do that as photographers - there are long periods of relative inactivity, followed by a few minutes (if we are lucky) of extreme high pressure clicking!   Ain’t it great?

I thought it looked like that cloud was a plume of smoke arising from the bridge, hence the title.  Hope you like it and thanks for stopping by!  I sure hope that everyone in London is doing ok with all the unrest there - love that city and hope all is well!


The sky's the limit


Holiday road