Clouds over Snug Harbor

While we were in the San Juan Islands, off the coast of Washington State, we took one morning to go explore the coastline via sea kayak.  We kayak semi-frequently in Austin, and enjoy it quite a bit, though it is obviously a bit different on the ocean.  For starters, we saw a pod of orcas as well as a harbor seal, and I can't say I have ever done that in Austin.  hehe  Plus, the weather was cool and I had these fabulous clouds to look at, so all in all it was about the best morning I can imagine!  This was one of many shots I took from the kayak that day.  It's pretty hard to take pictures, keep your camera dry, paddle and steer a kayak, and enjoy the scenery all at the same time - but hey it sure is fun trying!


New road, old mountain


Seattle stuff