fancy that of london

I have so many photos still to process from a lot of places - including London - but I keep coming back to the London shots first.  I am not sure what it is, but I seem to be drawn to this folder in my photo library.  My visits there this year have yielded me a lot of photos - something like 1500 I think - and I just enjoying strolling down memory lane a bit, I guess.  Anyways, one thing I like about London is the various shop windows and pubs - they are just really interesting and photogenic to me.  I caught this one while I was heading into the British Museum - it's literally across the street from the museum, right out the front gate.  I guess all that red called me!  Makes me want to go in there and buy a bunch of tea and cookies!

BTW, I have compiled a list of some of my favorite spots to shoot in London, so if you want to check that out head over here: 

I have a few of these lists, which you can find over on the left sidebar here on the blog, under "Photographic Ramblings".  Let me know what you think!


The wide open West

