Win a free ioSafe 1TB Rugged Portable Drive!

Contest update: Rusty Jackson is the winner!  Congrats Rusty, enjoy this awesome 1TB drive!

BTW, if you are in Canada, here is another contest for you to try out: 

Thanks everyone, there was a lot of interest in this one so hopefully we can do it again sometime!

I am kind of a storage geek at heart.  I love this stuff.  I’m not really sure why, but it’s true.  

It’s also true that I am a big fan of ioSafe products.  Are you familiar with ioSafe?  They are well-known for building waterproof and fireproof hard drives – in other words, they put the “recovery” in disaster recovery!

Would you like to try one for yourself?  Well I hope so, because ioSafe is letting me give away a 1TB rugged portable drive to 1 lucky winner!  This is more than a $300 value people!

Here is a page where you can read more about this great product:


For those of you that prefer to read a list of features, see below (FYI it is not comprehensive).  This is NOT your typical external hard drive!  It’s WAY more sturdy, for starters!

·         Crush protection up to 5,000 lbs!

·         Waterproof for up to 3 days!

·         Safe from UV, blowing sand, blowing dust, rain, salt, fog, ice or freezing rain up to 24 hours!

·         USB 3.0/2.0 and FireWire 800

·         Works with Mac or PC

·         Did I mention it can also handle getting shot at?  It’s true.  See this link:

·         And this video is just plain fun:

Ok, so now you really want one, don’t you…even if you just want to drop it in a friend’s pool “on accident”, and then still access your files?  Well, you can if you win this contest! 

Here’s how to enter:

·         Start by going to Facebook and “Liking” the ioSafe page:

o   If you already have “Liked” ioSafe, then please share their page with your friends!

·         Then, go “Like” my page:

o   Or if you prefer G+, circle me here: http://

o   If you already follow me, please share my page with your friends/followers.

·         Leave a comment here on the blog, letting me know you have done the above.

·         That’s it – you’re entered!

 Fine print:

·         One entry per person

·         Winner to be chosen randomly from a hat

·         Close date: Thursday, November 1, 2012

·         Winner announced: Friday, November 2, 2012

·         Special note:  while the contest is open to everybody, everywhere, ioSafe can only ship to US-addresses. If you live in another country, you'll need to provide a US address to which the drive can be shipped and organize shipping from that address to your home. You'll also need to pay any import duties and taxes that may be charged.  Also note that support options may be limited if you’re outside of the US. Thanks for your understanding.

Good luck everyone!!


Dodging pumpkins


Golden Hour at Haystack Rock