The Oliver St. John Gogarty

First of all, I just want to thank everyone who continues to visit my blog, like it on Facebook, +1 it on Google+, tweet about it, and generally just share it anywhere.  I was reviewing my blog stats, comparing February 2012 with February 2011, and my views are up over 2.5x!  Also, Feb 2012 was my best month ever in total views!  Thanks so much, it's because of you and I appreciate it sincerely!

Now, onto a photo...let's celebrate with a beer at an Irish pub, shall we?

This is one of the many Irish pubs that I photographed in Dublin.  It was just so awesome looking, and I had to get this shot.  I went a little heavy on the processing here, obviously, but it just seemed to call for it.  It was early on a Sunday morning and I was wandering in Dublin's Temple Bar district.  That place is a gold mine.  I have so many shots still to get to, and I feel already like I am posting Dublin shots each week.  So...hope you don't mind, and more to come!


Paris in Florida


Under Eye