A gate on Canyon Road

I love Santa Fe, folks.  It's a wonderful little town, and having just gotten back from a family trip there, I think I will dedicate this week to Santa Fe - yep, it will be Santa Fe Week here on Nomadic Pursuits - hope you don't mind!

As I mentioned in a previous post, I returned with ~1800 shots to process, and no I am not anywhere near being done with them - but I got a few done and though I am clearly a little biased, I got some real winners!

So, without further ado, here is Day 1 of Santa Fe Week on Nomadic Pursuits! (and by the way, I have never dedicated a whole week to a single location, so let me know if you end up getting bored out there, or if you enjoy this little bit of location focus)

As I have said here before (at least I think I have, but I could be making this up), Santa Fe has a whole bunch of great sites to photograph, and most are near or no more than an hour away.

Ok, wait - just remembered.  I did say this before.  Just the other day I published a Top Photo Spots in Santa Fe, which you can find by clicking on those highlighted words, or by looking for the article on the left sidebar, under the category called "Travel Photography Tips!".  

One such spot that is in Santa Fe - and very central and easy to get to - is Canyon Road.  It's a long road full of art galleries and studios, and though that might sound boring to some, there are a million photographs there just waiting to be taken.  Every side street, every gallery, every turn - something photo-worthy is waiting for ya, so get a bottle of water, your camera, and some walking shoes, and hit Canyon Road!  You can thank me later!


The grand vista of Tent Rocks

