iPhone fun in Malmo Sweden

When I was in Copenhagen, I found out that Malmo, Sweden was a short 30 minute train ride away.  Being the adventurous type, I had to go check out Sweden for the first time!  And no, since I didn't get to Stockholm, I don't really count it as a "visit to Sweden" but hey I did set foot in the country for half a day!

I will say that it is a nice little town, worthy of a visit, easy to get to, and easy to navigate (smaller towns usually are).  There are some nice sights there, and I am glad I went!

I took lots of shots with my Nikon, none of which I have had the time to process yet.  So, how about a little iPhone fun from Malmo?

Here's the train station...I love train stations...I love trains too.  Sweet, sweet train stations.  

And this kayaker really caught my eye, just a minute after I took that first shot...and I love kayaking as well.  This guy was moving fast!

I love foreign languages, even though I can't speak/spell/pronounce most of them!  This sign though is pretty easy to figure out - well, at least I think it is!

I went to a park...

I went to a town square...

And another town square...and I lunched under those umbrellas!

And I found this interesting little scene...I love bikes when they are casually leaned up on an interesting wall.

This was a pretty quick tour but I do appreciate you looking!  


Dining in Grand Place


Gefion Fountain