Back streets in Bratislava

I wanted to share this with you all today - I was featured on the HDR photography/travel blog Strange Lands, hosted by my friend Jimmy McIntyre.  Check out my guest post and let me know your thoughts! 


Daily photo: Back streets in Bratislava

find life experiences and swallow them whole. travel. meet many people. go down some dead ends and explore dark alleys. try everything. exhaust yourself in the glorious pursuit of life.  - lawrence k. fish

I love that quote - it's quickly become one of my all-time favorites.  It's great advice and inspires me to do more with any free time I have.  One part of it that really appeals to me as a photographer is the "go down some dead ends and explore dark alleys" part.  I love to wander with the camera, especially when I am in a new town, and doubly so if I am in Europe.  There are so many big, popular and culturally significant things to see in any town, but sometimes I get just as much joy from wandering the back streets, alone and away from the crowds.

This one was taken in Bratislava, Slovakia while I was doing just that one morning.  I had a few hours to kill, and of course with camera in hand I hit the streets.  It wasn't long before I found myself going down some dead ends and dark alleys.  It was fabulous.

Technicals: Nikon D700, 7 exposures, f/13, 14-24 wide angle lens (at 14mm)

Software: Photomatix, Color Efex Pro, Aperture


The slot canyon at Tent Rocks


Rounding the bend