Rockin' at Multnomah Falls

I loved shooting at Multnomah Falls.  It’s huge, popular (read: crowded) and everyone shoots it, but I just didn’t care.  Last August, I came all the way out to Portland, OR from Texas, where we couldn’t even get a slight chance of rain, much less witnessing a waterfall this majestic.  It’s truly a sight to behold in person (and this was my 2nd visit, the 1st being ~10 years ago).  It’s just beautiful.  Go. See. It.

Given the chance, I would go back and shoot it again.  I believe that you can improve your photography by shooting the same thing many times, because each time is different.  In this case, due to the crowds, I had to work for creative compositions so that I didn’t have a thousand tourists in my shoots.  That just ruins the whole thing for me.

So, after taking a few shots from the lower falls, I walked up to the bridge which gives you a nice view of the upper falls.  I put on the zoom lens and opted to focus in on the bottom of the upper falls.  Finding that big rock sitting there was just a bonus.  :-)

Waiting for sunrise in Nashville


Another beautiful Nashville sunset