iPhone fun in Chinatown

Last week was a very busy week for me, and although I spent the entire week in San Francisco, I did not even bring my Nikon.  Nope, just way too busy.  I did catch an hour's break one afternoon though, and decided to take a little iPhone stroll in Chinatown, which was a few short blocks away.

If you have never been to San Francisco, then be sure and put Chinatown on your list for when you do get there.  It's a very interesting place.  Enjoy the tour, and thanks for looking!

This gate sits at the main entrance to Chinatown...

There is a LOT of graffiti to be seen there, if you look in the right places.  Here is some that I found:

There are also quite a few Chinese grocery stores.  They sell lots of interesting food things.

Do some people actually eat starfish?  News to me.

A sign at some store...

In case you haven't noticed...dragons are a big deal here.

And this mural just caught my eye.  I guess Chinatown has been here a while!

Well, that's it for this "iPhone fun" installment!  I have plenty more planned, so keep checking back!

If you ever get to Chinatown, be sure and bring your camera...or at least your iPhone!

Thanks for looking!


Staking out Baker Beach


Beauty above Bratislava