The ruins at Holyrood Abbey

Man, I love me some ruins!  (especially when they're in Scotland) 

Holyrood Palace sits at the low end of the Royal Mile in Edinburgh, which is another way of saying it's at the bottom of the hill.  Or, you could say "bring your walking shoes", because that's exactly what you need in Edinburgh - but that's ok.  You will enjoy the walking, because there is so much to see.   It's an awesome place.

I walked a lot that day because my plan was to depart the train station, check out the town a bit by wandering aimlessly (which is something I love to do in a new place) and end up at the Edinburgh Castle (the subject of yesterday's post) towards the end of the day when the light was softer.   I did just that.  In other words, I had sore feet by the end of the day, because the town is pretty hilly.

Anyways, I went to Holyrood Palace (The Queen's official residence in Scotland) and, knowing the ruins were accessible after going through the Palace, I motored through it pretty quick in order to get to "the good stuff".  Like I said, I love ruins. and it's rare that I get to see them.

Can you say that I gave the Palace scant attention in favor of something less glamorous?  I did, but I cannot apologize for it.  Palaces are beautiful, but unless you are talking about Versailles or something they all start to look the same.  I wanted ruins...and I got them.  Fun!



Light trails in Amsterdam


Edinburgh Castle