As I mentioned in a recent post, it’s important to seek out the little things, even when you are shooting the big things. I love to be standing with an immense, incredible landscape before me, ready for the clicking to start. But I find that I am just as satisfied when I capture the smaller scenes, the off-the-beaten-path finds, the forgotten this-and-that stuff that is so easily overlooked.
So in that spirit, I offer up this little-slice-of-life shot of a hotel suite entry in Santa Fe, NM. If you have never been to Santa Fe, plan a trip and be ready to be inspired. It’s a mecca for the arts and as a photographer it gives you so much to point that little device of yours at (and by device, I am referring to anything from an iPhone to a DSLR).
It really is an incredible place. I am happy that I will be returning there soon. So for anyone reading this...that means more Santa Fe stuff coming in the near future!
And Happy Valentine's Day!