Agape at Ecola

I just love the Oregon coast. What an incredibly beautiful place. I grabbed this shot from Ecola State Park. I had set up and was shooting down the coast, taking in the expansive view all the way to Haystack Rock, when I noticed that there was an incredible view just under my nose, so to speak. I tilted the tripod and fired down at this scene. I love the texture of the water on the sand and all the beautiful colors.
Do you focus on the big stuff only?
That’s one thing I am guilty of in my photographic wanderings. I am sometimes standing there agape at the big beautiful scene before me, and I neglect to catch all the little scenes that make up the big one. It’s hard to take it all in really, especially when it’s a new place. I am working to not fall into that familiar trap of shooting the big scene and moving on. Taking it slow and paying attention to the details can pay off just as well!