Sunrise at The Grand Wailea

This is the photo that I gave a preview of on my FB page the other day, while I was working on it in Color Efex Pro.  I grabbed this my first morning in Maui.  Being 5 hours behind my normal time zone, it was pretty easy to get up for sunrise!  In fact, I think I woke up around 3am.  So in other words, no excuses for missing this one!

I was really glad that I did get up, because as you can see the color in the sky was fabulous that morning.  I knew I wanted to get the pool (I am always looking for reflections) and luckily at that time I was the only person I saw.  That’s one of the main benefits of shooting at sunrise - you get a beautiful scene all to yourself!

By the way, if you are location-curious, this is the Grand Wailea Resort in Maui.  It’s a great property, right on the beach, and they take good care of their guests!


The waterfall at Bull Creek


Blue hour on the Austin skyline