Sunset in Dublin

There’s just something about Dublin.  Maybe it’s the Irish people - they are so kind, friendly, and happy.  Whenever I am there, it’s quite enjoyable to talk to a taxi cab driver and learn a bit more about this wonderful city and its inhabitants.

Here’s something I learned last week while in Dublin - they can drink a lot!  I didn’t learn that firsthand, to be clear.  :-)  The cabbie (a grandmother!) asked me if I was going to get a few pints of Guinness, and I said “yeah, maybe a couple”.  She told me that when guys go out for a night there, they may drink 10-12 pints in a night.  Wow!  I think I would be sick.  These are good, hardy people, I guess!  Or they get a lot of practice!

This is sunset from last Thursday evening in Dublin, looking up the River Liffey from the end of their old town entertainment district, known as Temple Bar.  What a great city.  You should make it a point to visit.  And come thirsty!


The ceiling of the Natural History Museum


Lake LBJ sunset