Blue hour in Amboise

The last few weeks were some of the most fun I have had in a long time.  I went with the family over to Europe, mostly France, and had a great vacation.  We visited chateaux in the Loire Valley, toured Paris like a ferret on a double espresso, and even made time to soak up a little history in Normandy.  It was awesome, all the way around.  If you follow my FB page, you would have seen all the iPhone pics I was sharing from the road.

Now we are back, and I am beginning to sort through the 7000+ pictures that I took.  Yes, I said 7000+.  I didn’t realize I shot so much, but hey no complaints here!

When we were in the Loire Valley, we stayed in a great little town/village known as Amboise.  It’s east of the town of Tours (in case that rings a bell) and is a great base for exploring that part of the Loire Valley...and explore we did!

We saw 5 of the famous chateaux (Chambord, Chenonceau, Cheverny, Chaumont-sur-Loire and Amboise) and honestly I just loved the area.  I love castles anyways, and these fabulously constructed chateaux are basically like castles to me.  I was in heaven...and my Nikon had a good time too.

I grabbed this shot in Amboise one evening during blue hour.  I am a sucker for the combination of architecture, lights, reflections, blue hour and interesting street this was like a combo pack!  I got it all in one shot!


Chateau de Chambord


Wandering on the South Bank