St. Andrew's Cathedral, Glasgow

I like Glasgow.  It's a nice town.  I know some folks consider Edinburgh to be the crown jewel of Scottish cities (and it IS awesome) but there is a lot to see and shoot in Glasgow, and I am never disappointed (even though I get rained on LOL). 

I was there on business recently, and in my off hours made sure to hit some of my favorite spots in the city, one of which is St. Andrew's Cathedral.   I had last been to this site a couple of years ago, and things have changed quite a bit.  They did a lot of renovations and I must say the place is beautiful!

I happened to arrive late one afternoon, and thankfully had it all to myself.  I just set up the tripod and got down to business, and never heard a peep from anyone else! 


University of Glasgow architecture


Ha'Penny blue hour