The architecture of Paris

I love architecture.  Have I ever said that here?

Ok, I probably have said that, and it's true.  I love architecture.  I took an architecture class back in my college days and absolutely loved studying and reading about all these famous buildings in far-flung countries...many that I wasn't sure I would ever visit.  And many of them I still haven't visited.  But, someday I hope!

Luckily, I have been able to get a lot of places though, and see a lot of great architecture in the process.  It's just one of the things I am drawn to, photographically speaking.  Actually, even without a camera in hand I find myself looking at architecture, lines, design...all that stuff.  It's just interesting.

So you can imagine when I was walking around in Paris, how utterly difficult it was to get anywhere in a hurry, because literally at every turn there is something beautiful.  That is a city full of amazing beauty.  I know it's called the City of Light, but it could also be the City of Beauty.  Everything is just awesome.

This is the top portion of the facade of a not-too-big-but-not-real-small church in the Marais district known as St. Paul St. Louis.  I am not sure why it has two names - I could Google it of course, but I'm busy writing.  Anyways, it was near the Metro stop we used from the apartment we were renting, so I literally walked past this every single day.  I was ok with that, for the record.

My hope was to be able to get some nice shots of the exterior, which I finally did on my last day there.  The skies were just right for me, and I love the contrast between the sharp details of the building and the smooth clouds passing by.

This is a 7 frame HDR, merged in Photomatix with adjustments in Color Efex Pro and Aperture...which is pretty much my usual recipe for my HDR photos.  Hope you enjoy the shot today, and thanks for stopping by!


A Fall sunset in Austin


Sunset in Dublin