Sunset at Arch Cape

The Oregon coastline is just so beautiful.

I love Oregon.  I freaking LOVE it.  Every single bit of it that I have seen is just gorgeous. Maybe I have been lucky and missed the bad parts, but I don't think so.  There is just so much natural beauty there.  It's addictive, really.  I envy the folks who live there.  They have such ready access to massive amounts of nature's awesomeness.  Lucky dogs.

This was sunset our first night in Arch Cape - pretty amazing!

Here I took the previous photo and converted it to a painting using Topaz Simplify - and love the results.

I have been there several times over the years, and we are planning a return visit again next summer as a family.  I am really looking forward to that.  There should be a bit of photography happening for me.  :-)

My last visit was during Spring Break earlier this year.  We spent most of that time in a little town called Arch Cape, which is just south of Cannon Beach, right smack on the coast.  It's so small I am not even sure I would call it a town.  It's more like a collection of houses that just happen to have an amazing view behind them.

Also from that first night, just a little later than the first photo...

...and here's the painted version created with Topaz Simplify.

So as you can imagine, I pretty much had the camera on me at all times, and there were a couple of times when the sunset was just too much to resist, and I sprinted down to the beach and fired away.  I was in my happy zone.

So today's collection of shots is just that - a collection of shots from a couple of different sunset there in Arch Cape, OR.  You should go see this place.  It's amazing. 


iPhone fun in Sydney Australia


Skulking about SoCo at dawn