Morning in Dublin

Have I ever mentioned how much I love to shoot at sunrise?  ;-)

Ok, I know I say that a lot here but man is it ever true!  See this scene?  I have walked by here at all times of day: blue hour in the morning and on thru sunrise, mid-morning, mid-day, sunset, and into the evening.  Guess what?  It's freaking crowded almost all the time!

You know why it's crowded?  It's awesome.  Ok, well the other reason is that this is in the middle of Dublin's entertainment district which is known as Temple Bar.  That's where all the tourists go to have fun.  Except at sunrise of course, because all the tourists are still asleep.

So that brings me back around to why I love sunrise.  I get to stand on a street corner in the most famous part of a famous town, and shoot at anything and everything I want, and not have anyone get in my way.  Who can argue with that?


A view of Panama City


The facade of Bayeux Cathedral