Bratislava is a beautiful little town...have you been yet?

If not, I think you should go.  Of course, that's easy for me to say since I am sitting in a chair at home and just typing this on my laptop.  But I really do think you should go.  It IS a beautiful town, but it's not a large town.  It's a manageable town, which is important.

Why is that important?  Well, if you are like me and you are in Europe (or anywhere new, really), at every turn your head is spinning because there is so much awesome stuff to see (and in my case, and maybe yours - to point the camera at).  I have said that about Paris at least once or more here on the blog, and if I haven't said that about London then I should have.

And that's what I liked about Bratislava.  Yes, there's great architecture, churches, bridges, old buildings, a town square, and more.  And it's all great to look at, and all great to photograph.  But the great thing to me is that the historic town center is fairly compact and easy to navigate.  In other words, it's not huge and potentially overwhelming like London or Paris.

And in case you didn't know - it's only about 45 minutes in a car from Vienna, Austria which is a place you are probably going to try and see someday anyways, right?  Why not take a little detour and soak up another town, which happens to be in another country, but is still close by?

Or you could take a boat ride down the Danube from Vienna - it's about 2 hours if I recall.  And yes, I took the boat ride, and the scenery was fabulous.  But I just realized I never posted anything from that little trip here.  I need to get busy!.  Ok, that's it for today, thanks for swinging by!


Shooting the canals


Hamilton Pool