Berlin Hauptbahnhof

This is Berlin's Central Train Station...and it's a doozy!

I love train stations and trains, especially in Europe.  But if you have been here before, you have already heard me ramble on about that addiction of mine...and you'll hear a little more today!  :-)

I was in Germany last year for less than a week, and was technically in Leipzig which is about 1.5 hours on the train from Berlin.  Luckily, I found myself with about half a day free so I grabbed the first train to Berlin that I could get, and off I went!

You can imagine my excitement when I arrived into this monstrous train station.  I was in heaven!  My only challenge was that I wanted to shoot here so bad, but I was also dying to shoot and visit Berlin, because there is a lot to see there, and it was my first time there.  Problems, problems.  :-)

So, I ran around here like a madman for a little while, and then decided I better get into town or I would never see the city.  And I am glad I did, though I have to admit when I came back to the train station at the end of the day, I grabbed a few more shots just in case.  Haha, there is always a just in case, isn't there?

This train station is something like 4 levels, with architectural lines going this way and that.  It's a masterpiece, and a great place for those that like to photograph architecture (like me!).  

It's pretty incredible to see, and as you can imagine it is very busy too.  But that is ok with me - I just waited on scenes to clear as much as possible before firing my shots.  I just prefer a clear scene, but the only way to get that in train stations is late at night, or early on a weekend morning.  I had neither.

So I waited and shot, waited and shot, and never really got a totally clear scene, but I sure loved taking and processing the photos, and here they are for you all to see.  Enjoy!


Testing the Olympus at the UT campus


A visit to Drymen, Scotland