Spoonbridge and cherry

That's a pretty large spoon, huh?  :-)

I was in Minneapolis, MN for a couple of days last week, and I really enjoyed it.  It's a beautiful town and I did my best in my limited free time to shoot a lot of it.  I think I mostly succeeded.  In addition to lovely things to point the camera at, I was loving the weather and sunset skies that I got while there!

I live in Austin, TX in case you weren't aware, and despite it being September here just like it is wherever you are, it is still pretty dang hot.  While I can't complain about this summer since, in relative terms, it was pretty mild, I will say that heading north to a place like Minneapolis was a welcome respite from the heat. 

Couple that with one INCREDIBLE sunset I was able to enjoy (and photograph - yes!) and it was a productive week for me, photographically speaking.  More to come as I get time to process all the shots.

That reminds me - I am now posting my on-the-go iPhone images mostly on Instagram, so if you want to follow me there...that's where you can find some of this stuff, until such time as I get around to posting the "finished products" here.  

Anyways, back to today's post...

One thing I always do before a trip is to Google the you-know-what out of the town so I can find all the cool stuff that I want to shoot.  The one thing that came up consistently was this incredible modern art sculpture, known as Spoonbridge and Cherry.  Having seen it online many times before, once I knew I would be nearby it was impossible to resist.  It's fun and whimsical, and well worth a stop by the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden to give it a view...and to take a photo, of course!

And you can probably see the skies were getting really beautiful.  It was a couple of hours later that I photographed the sunset, which was absolutely stunning!  Don't you just love it when you are traveling somewhere and you get a great sunset?  I'm always very grateful for that!


Downtown Austin


Wandering the streets of Dublin