A visit to Frederiksborg Castle

A fairy tale castle just outside of Copenhagen!

Earlier this year while on a business trip to lovely Copenhagen, I found myself with an entire day free.  I could do anything I wanted.  Since it was my 3rd visit to Copenhagen and I had previously wandered all over the place taking photos, I thought it would be great to get out of town a bit and do some exploring.  You know, try something new.  I had heard there were some castles nearby, so I did a little research and settled on Frederiksborg Castle.

The castle sits on a lake in the town of Hillerod, just north of the city.  I took a train up to Hillerod and then a local bus to get to the castle.  All together, I believe it was about an hour of travel time, which isn't much when you consider where you are ending up!  It's well worth it.

I'm a big fan of castles, so this was a perfect day for me.  I spent my time wandering slowly up to the castle so that I could get all the shots of the exterior that I wanted.  It was late March, so the weather was a little cool, cloudy and drizzly at times - another perfect combo in my opinion.  The other thing about that time of year and that weather is that it's not a high tourist season like I suspect the summer is - in other words, not a lot of crowds to contend with when trying to get the shot.  I ran into some folks here and there, but generally speaking I had it to myself!

All together, I spent a few hours here.  After doing the approach, I opted to walk all the way around the lake to get shots of it from the other side (still need to work on those photos).  With the skies being overcast, it worked out pretty well.  Then I made my way back to the castle and took a tour through the interior.  It was quite beautiful, if you like that sort of thing.  I just wish I had a FitBit that day - I must have walked for miles!

As you can see, in addition to the bigger shots, I did a few close-in shots to capture some of the details, of which there are many. I love architecture anyways, so this stuff is just plain fun for a guy like me.  But when you consider that you are in Denmark, at a castle, with a camera - it's damn near perfect!


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