Venetian laundry

I just love little scenes like this!

Prior to arriving in Venice, I had hoped to encounter a few scenes of laundry hanging out to dry. I have seen so many photos like that over the years (from all around Italy), and I hoped I would be able to find some of that myself.

Well, I didn't have to look too hard in Venice - it was everywhere!

Literally, I saw this stuff around nearly every turn.  It's standard there for folks to hang out their laundry to dry, unlike here in the US where we hang the clothes inside or use a dryer.  But there, I encountered these scenes all over the place (and all over Italy).

So yeah, I was a happy man, and was able to find scenes to photograph all over the place, without and real effort.  All I had to do was walk around a bit!


Roman roads


Gondolas at rest